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Albuquerque Scuba

Sign up for a scuba class in Albuquerque today Click here for our Training Calendar!

We are so confident you’ll love what we do that we are offering you your money back if you aren’t satisfied!

Adventure starts here – Scuba dive. Start today

Interested? Fill out this form and we will contact you.

If you’d prefer to talk face to face, click here. We are only open by appointment, but we are happy to meet you.


If you are not happy, I will refund every dollar you’ve spent on training. Every single dollar.

If you’re looking for a better deal, ask other shops if they’ll refund your money if you aren’t satisfied.

Ask them if they’ll refund your money a year later if you feel like they’ve taken advantage of you.


Bill here, I’m the owner of Viking Dives and I’d like to tell you a little about me, why I founded this company, and why I love scuba diving. I learned to dive in Albuquerque, with my wife. But there was a problem: we had no idea what we were doing.

Our training was bad, and it’s a wonder we didn’t end up killing ourselves. We did not know how bad our training had been though, because we had nothing to compare it to. Big surprise: my wife stopped diving because she did not feel good about diving.

Maybe I am dumber than my wife. I took more classes and in time, learned the skills I should have learned on our first day in the pool.

Somehow, I became an instructor. I saw what average scuba training looked like, and I realized it was bad.

The scuba industry is broken.

Here’s what they do. . .

Two Things that They do (and we never will!)

  1. They sucker you in with cheap training.
  2. They sell you overpriced stuff.

You think you’ve signed up to learn something, but they’re teaching classes to get you to walk into their shop.

You are just a bank account to them. Their job is to take money from your bank account and move it to theirs. The more money they can move, and the faster they can move it, the better.

That’s how they make money. I know people who paid close to $10,000 for equipment (often the wrong equipment)!

I promised myself when I started this business that I would be honest with everyone. I want to be honest, even if I lose money.

I can’t promise you’ll save money on training or equipment with us. What I promise you is…

Ten Reasons to Find Us Awesome!

  1. You will get the best training we know how to deliver.
  2. You will get the best equipment recommendations.
  3. We will help you buy things even if we don’t sell them.
  4. You will never be in a class that has over three divers in the water.
  5. We teach you at your level.
  6. We will not make you feel rushed, bullied, or hurried.
  7. We will help guide you to becoming the diver you want to be in 5 years.
  8. Our recommendations will be based on your desires.
  9. We will train you to be the diver you want to be.
  10. Your instructors will be well compensated for their time because they are teaching you to enter an alien environment with life support equipment.

That is how we deliver you a better scuba experience. We teach scuba the way I wish I had been taught.

We treat customers the way we want to be treated.

We give you individual attention, the best equipment, and advice, even if you don’t buy from us.

I want you to be ready to dive at the end of your first class.
So we hold ourselves to higher standards.

You get. . .

Five Benefits Of Learning with Us

  1. More dives during training. If the minimum is 4 dives, we do 5. Simple.
  2. Three students to one instructor. (8 to 1 is the average)
  3. Better training.
  4. Individualized training, based on you.
  5. More training. Our classroom training adds to the minimum. YOu will learn things that divers who have been diving for years don’t know about!

If that sounds good, you can sign up today and start learning right from your computer.

We know that giving you our best means we will earn your loyalty. We’d rather sell our loyal customers training and equipment that will last a lifetime. There’s nothing we sell that you will have to replace in a few years. Our students aren’t told to come back and take a peak performance buoyancy class, because they have the skills they need at the end of their first open water class. We treat you this way, even if that means our short-term profits are lower, because we know that well-trained divers keep diving. We are sure we will make you into our customers for life because we have earned your trust.

High-quality Technical and REcreational SCUba Training

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